Software Engineering

Proxy Error and Troubleshooting

A Simple Guide to Proxy Error and Troubleshooting Issues

  • June 08 2024
  • 423

Proxy problems might occur when scraping, particularly if you are new to the process. Diagnosing and debugging these issues can be difficult due to the number of status codes, each having a distinct meaning and remedy. However, by learning these instructions, you will be able to manage proxy server IPs and perform your scraping duties more quickly. This article explains the most frequent proxy server issues and the technological methods available to resolve them.

What is a proxy error?

A proxy server error happens when you attempt to visit a web page via a proxy server but the server fails to execute the query properly or returns inaccurate results. This might be due to network difficulties, server issues, configuration mistakes, or unsupported functionality. The error code may demand a special treatment.

HTTP response status codes are classified into five categories depending on the first digit of the code, with the first two being informative and needing no action. The remaining three categories highlight issues that require attention and extra measures.

There are:
  • 1xx – informational
  • 2xx – Success
  • 3xx – Redirection
  • 4xx – Client Error
  • 5xx – Server error
“Unable to connect to proxy server…”

There are several types of proxy error codes, such as 407 (Proxy Authentication Required), 502 (Bad Gateway), and 503 (Service Unavailable). That may indicate a problem on your proxy server or in your proxy setup. So what is the meaning of a proxy error? Common reasons for proxy issues are:

  • The proxy server has failed or becomes overloaded.
  • The website is blocking or disallowing the proxy server.
  • The proxy needs to authenticate or authorize.
  • Proxy incompatible with website’s log or encryption.
  • Proxy settings are wrong or damaged.
What are the Common proxy error codes and their solutions?
1xx Informational Error Code

These are preliminary responses that are seldom required. When the server processes the requests, they are considered utilised.

100 – Continue

A server uses the HTTP status code 100 (Continue) to notify a client that it has received a portion of the request and that the client may proceed with the remainder of the request. This status code is often used when a client submits a request header with the word "Expect: 100-continue". After receiving this header, the server responds with a status code of 100, indicating that the client should transmit the request's body. If the server rejects the original request header, the "Expect" header is used to avoid any more requests from being sent.

101 – Switching Protocols

If a client wants to change the communication protocol during a browser transaction, the Web server responds with the status code "101". A "100" HTTP status code is issued to indicate that the update was successful.

102 – Processing (WebDAV)

When a client makes a sophisticated WebDAV request with several sub-requests, the web server may take an extended period of time to complete it. That latency might cause timeout problems on the client side. To avoid this issue, the server delivers the status code "102 - Processing" to the client, indicating that it has received and is now processing the request. The goal of this status code is to prevent client-side timeouts and to assure the client that the request has been received and is being handled.

103 – Early Hints

When a web server transmits an HTTP status to a browser, it may further send an early hint to the client's browser using the code "103 - Early Hints". This indicates to the browser that the server has not yet begun processing the HTTP requests.

2xx Successful Status Code

If the HTTP status code is between 200 and 299, it indicates that the server received and processed your request correctly. The most typical code you'll receive is 200, which indicates that the server has completed your request. Any other 2xx number except 200 OK may indicate a problem, therefore pay attention to these codes to check that the request was properly handled.

Here are the most common 2xx status codes; 201 – Created

If you receive this status code, it indicates that the server has completed processing your request and produced a new resource. This implies that the server has utilised the information you gave to generate a new answer. For example, this can happen when you join in to a website and the server generates a new response depending on your login information.

202 – Accepted

When a client submits a request to the server, it receives it and returns "202 - Accepted". However, the request has not yet been processed at this time. The server will process the request later, and only then will you have the opportunity to know the outcome.

203 – Non-Authoritative Information

When a server performs a request and provides information from another resource to the client, it may return the code "203 - Non-Authoritative Information". The code indicates that the request was executed properly, but the data returned was from a different source.

204 – No Content

When the server receives a request but there is no material easily accessible, it sends a response code indicating that no content is returned. The return code is "204 - No Content".

205 – Reset Content

The server successfully processed the request but did not deliver any content, similar to the 204 status. Code 205, on the other hand, notifies the client that the document view has been cleared.

206 – Partial Content

If a server is unable to offer the complete requested resource because of to a specified range in the request header, it returns an error code to the client.

3xx – Redirection Error

If you notice a 3xx code, it signifies you still need to do something to complete your request. This is usually not an issue if you use a browser such as Google Chrome or Safari. However, if you are using a script, you will have to deal with these codes yourself. Scripts can assist you prevent redirecting queries to other URLs. But you must be careful. If not, you risk generating an unending loop of redirection. Web browsers are programmed to avoid this by allowing no more than five successive redirection of the same request.

Some of the most common 3xx error codes are as follows; 300 – Multiple Choices

If you get a "300 - Multiple Choices" error code, it signifies that the URL you requested points to more than one resource. To repair it, verify the HTTP headers and ensure that the URL points to a single resource so that the user agent may visit the website without any problems.

301 – Resource Moved Permanently

This error happens when a web server permanently redirects an original URL to a different URL. When a user obtains a "301 - Moved Permanently" response code, they are unable to see the original URL, and search engines index only the redirected URL. If there are more than 5 redirects for a single URL, it may cause an infinite loop, and browsers such as Chrome may display a "Too Many Redirects" notice.

302 – Resource Moved Temporarily

“302 – Moved Temporarily” is a code for temporary redirects where the User Agent is redirected to a different URL after requesting the original URL.

303 – See Another Resource

If you get a 303 - See Other Resource, it signifies that the requested resource is located at an other URL address and must be accessed via the "GET" method. Keep in mind that search engines will only index the original requested page if it returns a "200 - Success" response.

304 – Resource Not Modified

A server returns a "304 - Resource Not Modified" response when a requested resource has not changed since the previous request. The server thinks the client has a copy of the resource. The "If-Modified-Since" or "If-Match" line will provide the last modification time. If your web page has not changed since the previous time the crawler considered it, use the 304 code to speed up indexing and decrease browser demand.

305 – Use proxy

The code "305 - Use Proxy" indicates that you need to use a proxy server to access the resource. The answer will include the proxy server's address. Some browsers, such as Internet Explorer, will not display this information for security reasons.

306 – Switch Proxy

The code "306 - Switch proxy" indicates that the server must use a certain proxy for the forthcoming request(s).

307 – Temporary Redirection

Code 307 is a temporary redirect status code used by the HTTP/1.1 protocol. It indicates that a requested resource has been moved to a different address temporarily, which is specified in the Location header of the request. To access the original URL, you should make the next request.

308 – Permanent Redirect

308 – Permanent Redirection code indicates permanent redirection, similar to 307 for temporary redirection, except that it doesn’t change the HTTP method.

4xx Client Error Codes

HTTP proxy errors are divided into two types: 4xx and 5xx error codes. Getting a 4xx error shows that the problem is on your end. It might be your request, your browser, or an automated bot.

400 – Bad Request

This "400 - Bad Request" warning indicates that there is an issue with your request. It might be due to syntax errors, poor formatting, or misdirected routing of your request. The issue might be due to your proxy server or the website you're attempting to visit.

401 – Unauthorized

The error code "401 - Illegal" indicates that the website you're attempting to visit requires authentication. This error is returned by the proxy server when the website wants credentials. To access the resource, you must supply the relevant authentication information.

402 – Payment Required

This 402 - Payment Required code was designed for digital payment systems, however it is rarely used and has no established convention as of yet.

403 – Forbidden

When you get the number 403, it indicates that the server understands your request but is unable to display the desired content. This normally occurs when you do not have authorization to look at the resource you are attempting to access.

404 – Not Found

The 404 code means that the online resource you’re trying to access is unavailable, even if the request is valid. Most of the time, this happens because the URL doesn’t exist, isn’t correct, or has been redirected

405 – Method Not Allowed

If a server has disabled a request method, it will respond with the error code “405”. That means that the method cannot be used to access the requested resource.

406 – Not Acceptable

During server-driven content negotiation, the web server sends a response if it doesn’t find content that matches the criteria set by the user agent.

407 – Proxy Authentication Required

If you obtain a 407 code from a proxy, it indicates that authentication is necessary or that the tunnel connection failed. This might be due to improper authentication or credentials in your scraper. It might possibly be that your IP addresses are not whitelisted in the proxy settings. To resolve this problem, update your proxy settings with approved IP addresses and appropriate credentials.

408 – Request Timeout

The 408 error code occurs when the server is configured to wait for a request from the client, but none is received. The client can resend the same request at any time. If this error persists, check your web server’s load and connectivity to identify possible issues.

409 – Conflict

The 409 – Conflict error occurs when a client’s request cannot be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resources. The error is not related to standard server authority or security but to a specific application. The response body provides users with enough information to identify the conflict’s source and fix the issue.

410 – Gone

The server sends a 410 error code when the requested resource is permanently gone and won’t be available again. It’s similar to the 404 error, but it’s permanent.

411 – Length Required

The error code indicates that the server is not accepting the request due to an undefined content length. To resolve this, the client must include a valid content-length header field in the request, which is the length of the message body.

412 – Precondition Failed

When request-header fields have false preconditions, the server responds with this error code. It allows clients to set preconditions on a resource’s metadata and keeps the requested method from being applied to any other resource.

413 – Request Entity Too Large

If you send a request that’s too big, the server may stop it and disconnect you. That can happen when you try to upload large files using the HTTP PUT method. The server may have limits on how big of a file you can upload.

414 – Request-URL Too Long

A web server may reject a request if the Request-URL is too long. That may happen if a client converts a “POST” request to a “GET” request with a long query or if there is a URL redirection loop. The server may also reject the request if a client attempts to exploit security holes in the server. Most web servers have generous URL limits, but if you still get an error message with a valid long URL, the server needs to be reconfigured.

415 – Unsupported Media Type

The web server can’t fulfill the request because the requested resource doesn’t support the format of the entity for the requested method.

416 – Requested Range Not Satisfiable

Servers return a 416 status code when a request contains a Range request header field and the range-specific values don’t overlap the current scope of the selected resources. That code is returned if the request does not have an If-Range header field.

417 – Expectation Failed

When a web server receives a request with an “Expect” header field that it cannot fulfill, it will usually respond with a specific status code. The same status code may also be used by a proxy server that discovers the next-hop server is unable to fulfill the request.

429 – Too Many Requests

Sending too many requests from the same IP address within a limited time frame can cause an error due to website restrictions. To solve this issue, use rotating proxies and set delays between requests per IP and time frame.

5xx – Server Error

The server sends 5xx errors when it receives a request but can’t process it. Rotate IPs, change the proxy network and IP type, and use a residential proxy network to fix the errors.

You may receive error codes such as 500 – Internal Server

Error code 500 indicates that the server encountered an unexpected condition and cannot respond to the request.

501 – Not Implemented

If the server cannot fulfill a request due to unsupported or unrecognized methods used in the request, it will return a “501 – Not Implemented” error.

502 – Bad Gateway

An error while collecting data may happen if the server acting as a gateway or proxy receives an invalid response from another server. If the internet connection is denied by super proxies or requests are sent, the system may detect that the IP is unavailable for the selected settings, leading bots to indicate a 502 code.

503 – Services Unavailable

The “503 – Service Unavailable” error occurs when a server is overloaded with requests or undergoing maintenance. To resolve the issue, check the status of the server that was requested, if possible.

504 – Gateway Timeout

“504 – Gateway Timeout” error message occurs when a server acting as a gateway or proxy doesn’t receive a response from the next server in the request chain. The next server is external to the first server and is taking too long to respond to the request.

505 – HTTP Version Not Supported

The server sends a “505 – HTTP Version Not Supported” code when it cannot support the HTTP protocol version used in the request message.

507 – Insufficient Space

When you see “507 – Insufficient Storage,” it means that the server doesn’t have enough disk space to handle the request. That can happen when the server is full and cannot store any more data.

510 – Extensions are Missing

The request cannot be processed by the server due to an unsupported extension. The server responds with the error code “510 – Not Extended”.

How To Fix Proxy Errors?

If you're new to web scraping, you may come across proxy problems. We've previously provided you some ideas to help you prevent these issues. In this part, we will go over each solution in depth. You may reduce your odds of experiencing these issues by implementing these approaches from the start.

Switch To Residential Proxies

Choosing the right type of proxy is important to avoid errors when scraping data. IPs from data centers are less expensive, but they may not work well for scraping because they only provide a limited pool of IPs. For example, in the case of Windows 10, there may be too many requests from a single address, which can be a source of errors.

Residential proxies are a better option when it comes to scraping data. They are real devices, and they are redirected before the request is sent to the server of interest. These proxies offer a larger pool of IP addresses, making them easier to rotate and avoid being blocked. To make sure you don’t run out of IPs when scraping, Digital Elliptical offers a residential proxy.

Improve Your Rotation

If you make multiple requests from the same IP address, the site you’re trying to scrape may block your access. Webmasters protect their sites against both DDoS attacks and scraping. Making a lot of requests from one IP address can look like an attack and trigger anti-scraping measures that may restrict your access.

You can use a proxy management tool or a scraper that can manage IP addresses to avoid this. That will allow you to change your IP address for each request you make, making it less likely that the website will notice anything unusual. Using this method will make your scraping process a lot faster and more efficient.

Decrease The Number Of Requests

Sending too many requests to a server can cause problems. The server can become overloaded, which can lead to problems with the computer’s proxy server. Even if you rotate proxies correctly, it’s important to keep the number of requests at a reasonable level. Sending more requests in a given time frame may help you collect data faster, but it may trigger anti-DDOS and anti-scraping measures that webmasters use.

To avoid Internet proxy server errors, try adding a delay of a few seconds between requests. That won’t slow the process down significantly, but it can help you avoid getting too many errors.

Make Sure The Scraper Can Solve Blocks

You may need a better scraper if you’re having trouble scraping data and you keep getting proxy connection errors. That is especially important if you’re working with merchant sites that take a lot of steps to protect their stores from fraud. A good scraper can bypass over a hundred different restrictions, making it essential for successful and efficient data collection. Make sure you have a reliable scraper if you want to collect data quickly and successfully.


When you try to access your data, you may see proxy status error numbers, which can be uncomfortable. Fortunately, the most of them are readily fixed if you understand what they suggest and know what measures to take. To address these issues, first understand what they signify, and then follow the fundamental procedures to correct them. Stay informed and take proactive steps to limit downtime and ensure data accessibility. Do not be concerned if you encounter any of these situations. Simply go back to this guide and remember that Digital Elliptical is here to support you every step of the way.