
Low Cost Business

A Guide on how to develop low-cost business app

  • June 19 2024
  • 232

In an ever-changing world, there are countless smartphone applications accessible for nearly every purpose. It is the reason why the mobile app development business is always growing. In this digital age, investing in a mobile app may be a lucrative prospect for entrepreneurs and company owners.

According to statistics, in 2024, around 27.8 billion applications will be downloaded from Google Play. However, only 8.3 billion downloads were made through the Apple App Store. These figures might help you determine the popularity of the rapidly expanding mobile app sector.

This tutorial will educate you about every aspect of mobile app development. Furthermore, you will learn about the benefits of investing in mobile app development for company owners. So, without further ado, let's dive into the realm of mobile app development.


Mobile app development is the process of generating mobile apps to run on our phones. From the standpoint of an entrepreneur, designing a mobile app entails more than just leveraging technical talents.

While creating a mobile app, one must combine well-researched concepts, planning, and other details. If you create an app for your company and use your name, keep in mind that there will be a lot at stake.

If the App does not function properly or fails to meet expectations, your company's reputation and investment may suffer. As a result, you must prepare to simplify your app development job while creating an app.

Let us discuss a few steps you must follow while developing a mobile app to get the desired results.

Let's use WhatsApp as an example to further grasp the concept. WhatsApp was originally designed as an internet chat service that allowed users to stay connected without incurring any expenses.

However, more features were introduced throughout time to improve the App's engagement and attractiveness. If we assess the App's concept in this scenario, we can conclude that the App we are now using is an improved version of the traditional messaging App for mobile devices.

To use the traditional App for mobile texting, you must have a cellular network and pay a fee. However, there is no need to invest any money to utilize WhatsApp. This is the reason why people like to use it.

An important thing you might notice in this example is that two main factors might help the app idea succeed. One is the exceptional technological integration, and the second is the scalable rendition of a conventional app.


Before finishing a concept, conduct thorough research and go outside the box to assess your target audience. Furthermore, you must pay attention to tiny aspects and determine the goal of your App. While researching your concept, you must identify your rivals in the market and assess their App's weaknesses and strengths.

Researching the market and competition may also help you better grasp your intended audience. After conducting adequate research, you may analyze the app industry and narrow down your App ideas. At this stage, you must understand the relevant component of your App in order to proceed.

The first thing you need to know is your app's value proposition. Furthermore, you must define your app's unique selling feature. For example, let us discuss your favorite social networking app, "Instagram." Instagram has a function that turned your smartphone photographs into squares. This notion was excellent, and it contributed to the success of the App.


If you have shortlisted your ideas and are clear about your target audience, you should start working on the technicalities. If you want to focus on the technicalities of your app strategy, you will need 360˚ feature-based information about your App.

For example, you must finalize the name of your App, the user flow based on your audience, and the App's functionalities. You can divide the App's functionalities into two main categories. The first is business-centric, and the second is customer-centric. If you want the mobile App to help your business get high reach and connectivity with your audience, you should consider specifying these features.


DESIGNING THE APP If you want your App to be successful, you will need to get into the App's details. Moreover, you will also need to work on different aspects of the App. An important thing that you should keep in mind is developing an efficient app design so that you attract your audience.

You can easily interact with the users intricately when you have an elaborative, intricating, and well-sought app design. However, during the design phase, you must ensure that the added functionalities in your app work for android and iOS.


Prototyping is an essential step in the app development process. Developing prototypes mean combining all the ideas and transforming them into a functional app. The benefit of creating a prototype is that it helps you present your idea to the App's audience and mobile phone users.

Moreover, it also helps in analyzing the positive points and aspects of the App. A prototype can assist you in evaluating every part of your App and help make improvements. After developing the prototype, you can share it with your quality assurance team to look for logical and functional bugs


After finalizing and specifying all the minor and significant technicalities, you can start working on developing your App. You can use your prototype to develop an upgraded version of your App while omitting all the loopholes and bugs.


After a lot of brainstorming, research, and prototyping, you will be able to develop an error-free app. However, keep in mind that even launching the App needs proper planning, management, and scheduling.


To improve the audience's engagement with your App and enhance its performance, you must keep coming up with better functional updates. You can keep innovating and enhancing your App to provide better-enhance features to the users while maintaining the core functionality of the App.


This step doesn't have to do anything with the app development process. However, efficiently promoting your App can make it highly successful. Keep in mind that developing and implementing a good marketing strategy can help you avoid losing your App in the collection of other apps.

Therefore, there are numerous things that you can do that will add up to the strategy of channeling your App and your target audience. The first thing you can do is to promote your App on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can also prioritize the platforms that your target audience uses.

You can also publish the latest and unique features of your App on the review sites. This way, you will be able to catch the attention of the potential target audience. You can also consider collaborating with bloggers, influencers, and social media persons to give your App the right push.

You can also post about your App on PreApps, a site for publishing apps in their early development phase. These websites help the apps grow among the target audience. Another thing you can do is try another store like Amazon App store, SlideMe, Opera Mobile Store, etc.

Just work on optimizing your results and improving your SEO by adding keywords and meta descriptions that can help your App get a better ranking on the app store. We hope that these points will help you efficiently promote your App. Moreover, by following these procedures, you will also be able to attract your targeted audience.


You might be confused by the procedures and tasks involved in establishing an app for your business. However, these stages are critical for developing an effective app. It is true that while designing an app, every business owner wants to guarantee that it performs effectively in the digital media. Furthermore, they hope that the App successfully reaches its intended audience.

As a result, you must keep an eye on all critical app development and administration details. Furthermore, the method might help you rethink your mobile app marketing strategy and growth. Essential parts of designing and distributing your App to earn income may also assist you keep track of how much money you make while developing the App.